NAIS Principles of Good Practice
The primary concern of independent schools must always be for the welfare of their students and their admission applicants. The following principles of good practice are intended to provide common ground for the interaction of students and schools, parents and schools, and schools with schools. Understanding and appreciation of the interests and obligations of each will help ensure orderly and professional admission procedures.
- A school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its admission policies.
- A school recognizes the right of its students or families to visit and consider other schools without notifying the present school. It also recognizes and respects the right of another school to hold preliminary discussions about the possibility of admission without notifying the present school.
- Upon request and as promptly as possible, a school will send a transcript (or its equivalent) and other pertinent information to another school to which a student has applied.
- A school will take all reasonable and lawful measures to maintain the confidentiality of reports and information exchanged among schools concerning students and parents.
- A school will not offer a place to a student without first receiving an official transcript (or its equivalent) from the student's present school.
- A school will allow each candidate reasonable time to accept the offer of a place.
- A school will make clear all dates concerning the admission procedure and ensure adherence to those dates. The candidate and the parents will be informed of the complete costs of the forthcoming school year.
- A school will require adequate documentation of family financial resources before awarding financial aid based on need. Such an award will not exceed the demonstrated need of the family.
- The director of admission and, by extension, the head of each school bear the ultimate responsibility for communicating these principles of good practice to all those professional staff and volunteers, including parents, alumni/ae, coaches and faculty members, who represent the institution in admission, promotion and recruitment activities and for ensuring that these principles are upheld.
- School representatives should speak accurately and comprehensively about the strengths of their own institution and not allege weaknesses in other schools.